Admin and plans for the weekend

In case you haven’t noticed it in the menu bar, you can now browse this blog by subject. I’ve assigned categories to all my posts of 2007. Now to get to work on a custom header….

Anyway, in terms of plans for the weekend, I’m planning to take it easy. Paul is working late tonight so I thought I might throw constructive activities out the window and take some time to veg – it’s been a long week with activities every evening depriving me of my 8 hours of sleep.

I think I’ll FINALLY make a start on Heroes (I’ve got a few ‘dealers’ lined up for my post-Episode 11 fix), or play either Titan Quest or No One Lives Forever 2, which I borrowed from Mark.

Other than that, I’d like to continue my quest (now at Gateway or Stanfordhill Road) for a new pair of baggies – with muscle-building exercise I’ve resolved myself to the fact that I need bigger-size comfort more than the mental gratification of squeezing into a Size 32 . Oh, and I’ll be dragging Paul to Apocalypto.

And I’m sure I’ll come in for criticism for this but I’m thinking of taking a break from forums, or severely chopping back on browsing again. For one thing they’re a mental distraction that work me up. More importantly, I really don’t like the way they change my thinking about people. I really don’t mind it when people use forums to vent their frustrations, celebrate their successes or ask for advice. It’s just that twenty-somethings (definitely including my blogging self!) tend to be very narcissistic and opinionated... about EVERYTHING. And while mouthing off, everything from hypocrisy to lack of life experience to flat out lies seep through the cracks of the argument, staining your perceptions. I don’t think it’s healthy to be exposed to that every day.


Anonymous said…
Heroes is awesome! Watched number 12 last night... need more... now...

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