Trailer Tuesday: Eragon

Now this one should be interesting, if only to see if non Lord of the Rings traditional fantasy can actually be pulled off, without it being a Lord of the Rings clone. I'm in two minds about this one, because while it seems to have a certain coolness factor (dragons, everyone!), with Jeremy Irons lurking about in dingy castles and Eastern European locales, I'm getting a bad Dungeons & Dragons vibe.

Plus, Eragon, based on the novel by Christopher Paolini, seems to contain every possible horrible cliche that traditional fantasy is known for, from magical eggs, to heroes shooting blue mana balls from their hands, to the biggie - young blond farm boy discovers he is the chosen saviour of his people, and leads an army against their tyrannical, bald, black-wearing oppressor. *yawn*.

Go, Hollywood for picking suich an original novel to adapt for the screen.


Anyway, in terms of more interesting fantasy coming to the big screen, more information is appearing on the web about Neil Gaiman's Stardust, with its all-star cast.

You can read an interview with Gaiman and the story's original illustrator Charles Vess here at

And here are some pics of the cast, that includes Robert De Niro as the captain of a flying ship, Michelle Pfeiffer as the film's witch villain and Claire Danes as a miserable fallen star, looking quite Gwyneth Paltrow.

See the Stardust pics here and here.

These images have been placed online by Michelle Pfeiffer - The Face.


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