The Coming Weekend

I’m so glad it’s Friday. Despite it only being a 4-day week I’ve pretty much been run off my feet at work the last few days. My copy creative director is working from home this week so I’ve been sitting here all alone (we're still one copywriter down), landing all kinds of fiddly jobs, as well as one giant one (all due by the end of Friday). And all the while being frustrated by Account Executives who don’t supply much needed answers and material, but are continually contacting me to check if their work is done.

Plus, the drive home yesterday was an absolute nightmare. Despite leaving after 5:30, there was gridlock for most of the way home. This despite this week being school holidays, and the fact that most people seem to be having a bit of a break right about now.

I got home frustrated, angry as well as mentally and physically exhausted. I also had to help Paul with updating his CV, so I didn’t get to finish my CD ripping to MP3 for my mother’s birthday party playlist. I’ll have to do that tonight, as well as wite meaningful messages in birthday cards when all I wanted to do was relax.

My mother’s birthday is going to dominate my plans for the weekend. Tomorrow, after joining Shirley for her birthday buffet, I have to go shopping with my sister for my mother’s present, hopefully find an outfit (I forgot that my mother’s party is themed ‘Black & White with Something Bright’), and then get home to make salads, chocolate sauce, sort out the music and video system, and just generally get ready.

On Sunday I want to say ‘Fuck it all’, sleep late, avoid cleaning up and then spend the rest of the day playing computer games, and finally going for a cycle on my new bicycle.

Then it’s back to the usual 5-day wage slave cycle… At least I have the consolation that next week will be mine to spend my evenings how I want - sketching, reading and just chilling... when I'm not at Jiu-Jitsu.


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