Weekend recapped

I don’t want to bore people with a long recap of the weekend, so here’s the highlights package…


I did absolutely nothing…. Except being forced to watch some very disturbing Tool music videos filled with nightmarish imagery, as well as some more amusing Perfect Circle music videos, which spoofed exploitative women’s prison films with cast of semi naked models called The Bikini Bandits.

Oh, my copy of Runebound arrived, so I started reading the rules booklet. It looks pretty damn awesome. Expect a game session on a coming weekend. Although 2 to 6 people can play, limiting players to no more than 4 is recommended.


Despite an argument over clothes, which put Paul in a funk for most of the day, we went up to Hillcrest for Ashley to reshoot our couples photos. She may want to debut some more choice pics on her site, but this is one of my 3 absolute faves. The photos are really stunning, Ashley, thank you so much.

Afterwards we went and had a light lunch at the Heritage Market, where a surprisingly honest waitress served us. When we asked for a Lipton’s Ice Tea, she said the place brewed their own, but ‘they’re not very good at all’.

Later on in the day Paul and I bailed on rugby, and going to Burn for The Narrow’s performance. Instead we cooked up an awesome pasta dish and rounded off the evening (after I surfaced from an 8-10pm snooze) watching several episodes of the very enjoyable American Dad, which is more reality based, upper middle class, and free of pop culture reference than its creators’ Family Guy series.


On Sunday we briefly popped in at The Pavilion, where I bought a copy of Fatboy Slim’s Greatest Hits as well as finally picking up Titan Quest. We then spent a good portion of the rest of the day enjoying the sun and atmosphere at the promenade of UShaka Marine World.

Paul and a business partner Simon were doing some research at the kite shop there. In fact Paul and I left the place with joint custody of a starter’s stunt kite that was on special. We want to give it a test flight on the beach this coming weekend.

In the evening, the MNET Sunday movie was very unappealing, so we started playing Ancient world set Titan Quest in multiplayer mode. Paul’s hunter and my wolf-summoning druid-type are already on level 7. It’s a beautiful looking, fun game with a surprisingly strong storyline. But the multiplayer lag was pretty shocking (I was killed twice because of it… by crows), and we were playing with the v.1.8 patch. So while the game is probably the best Diablo II clone out there, the bugs do strip it a little of its enjoyability. We were using a laptop as a server though, so we’re going to run it off a PC, and see if that improves matters.


Gareth said…
Lag wasn't too bad when Matt and I played it, try the PC, but we did get quite a few disconnects.

The later parts of Greece are really well done, the cities look fantastic.
Unknown said…
Sounds like you had a hectic weekend all round! I'm really happy you like your photos. I've got a few more to edit still, and there's one of Paul that I think you're going to love, but I'll give you a disk when I see you next.

Keep well.

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