Leather Anniversary Today

The big news of today is that it's Paul and my 3rd anniversary. We did the gift sharing when he got back from the UK at the end of June, but for the record, the 3rd anniversary is traditionally the "Leather" anniversary. More info on anniversary "substances" here...

We're going out for dinner tonight to Waxy O'Connors in Westville. Our first "official" dinner together was at a Keg in Durban, so it makes sense to have another enjoyable, atmospheric pub-set anniversary. And we both love Waxy's.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was good last night. I took it easy coming off my cold, but I feel I'm finally making some progress in terms of being able to defend myself in dangerous situations, or feel comfortable attaining, losing and regaining a position of advantage.

In other news, Novagen's very own Penny Thomas, (a Durbanite who is also in the Berea Mail this week) has just won the Women's Open Weight Division at the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu World Championships in California. She was competing against women of assorted weights and belt rankings - purple, brown and black.

Here's a pic of Penny with Helio Gracie. For the uninitiated, a BJJ practitioner meeting Helio is like a Catholic meeting the Pope. Helio Gracie IS Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. An interesting fact is that this 93 year old holds the record for the longest ever uninterrupted match - 3 hours 40 minutes. That's endurance!


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