Gaming updates

Apart from playing the game multiplayer with Paul, where you tend to ignore the interactions with NPCs (non player characters) and skim the storyline, I've also been playing Titan Quest solo, so I can enjoy the mythological story at a more leisurely pace.

It does get kind of boring though hacking and zapping endless mythological beasties on your own, and for that reason (and the fact that it sounds so frikken cool), when it came to choosing my character type, I chose someone who could summon a 'pet' to fight with her. So here's Persephone, my level 6 Theurgist (Diablo II's necromancer), with her 'pet' Litch King:

I've nicknamed the Litch King Chad, and he's pretty damn powerful. I'm glad though because I had to pump all my points into the basic Spirit Mastery skill column until I got to Level 5, and could finally 'buy' Chad. Until that point all battles were the tedious pattern of attacking from afar, running away to create some space between me and the monsters, and attacking again. No magic or special abilities.

I love the game's strategic skill tree system though. I do wish though that when you chose a skill set, it started to impact on your appearance though. For someone who dabbles in undead conjuration, my Theurgist looks very bronzed, buff and healthily alive.

In other news, American McGee's Bad Day LA, a cartoon-style satire on America's 'Terror' paranoia, is being released in North America on 29 August. The basic storyline is that one day LA is struck by every catastrophe known to man, with only one homeless black man able to save the day.

I'm looking forward to this one if only because of its unique visual style, and promised healthy sense of humour (expect threat advisory updates, zombies, Paris Hilton lookalikes, and nailclippers which have extreme power when you're in the airport). Both qualities seem to be missing from so many of today's released titles.


Gareth said…
I call my lich king Bob.

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