Latest Girlz 'N' Games comic

I've been trying to make Girlz 'N' Games comic strips a fortnightly event. This one ended up debuting a week later than originally planned. Well, actually I conceived the comic concept around Mother's Day so it's really taken over a month to get drawn, digitised, collated and coloured. Other strips just jumped the queue and got in the way :)

Anyway, in case you were wondering Girlz 'N' Games will be getting its own site soon, as well as some other web presence type stuff. I'm just waiting on some overly busy, frequently unmotivated graphic designers to design me a neat little Girlz 'N' Games logo.

To speed up the process then it's probably a good idea to open the floor to any of you creatively gifted blog visitors out there. Want to take a stab at designing a typographic logo for Girlz 'N' Games - in line with the distinctive title logos here, here, here and here? Email your designs to noelle.adams(at)

Anyway, this all reminds me, I must really get back some day to playing the deliciously fun Overlord... "Gimlet, you useless sack of pus, put that down!"


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