Trailer Tuesday: The Nativity Story
Tis the season... for The Passion of the Christ: The Prequel. Well, kind of. The debut of The Nativity Story in cinemas worldwide this December is no doubt as a result of The Passion's massive box office. And Nativity certainly seems to be, like The Passion, a big budget, more authentic take on life in the Holy Land in early AD. At least they're finally showing Mary to be in her early teens.
Anyway, the big difference though between The Passion and Nativity is that Nativity looks suitably family friendly, and devoid of bloody shock value (without being one of those sugary, Christian-sponsored productions). As a result, some of the early reviews have found it to be a little 'tame', if a sincere, and interesting take on Mary and Joseph's typically unexamined relationship.
I'm actually interested in seeing The Nativity Story. Christ seems to have pretty much exited the festive season these days and it will be interesting to do something with religious significance (if sitting in a cinema counts!) besides going to Midnight Mass.
I'll be seeing the film next week though, so I'll be able to clarify this rumour with my own 2 eyes then.