Trailer Tuesday: 2012
It's been over 6 months since the teaser trailer for 2012 first appeared online... and was largely, and inexplicably, ignored. The teaser was just so deliciously over the top (literally!) that I was desperate to know more about this new sci-fi disaster epic. There wasn't much more to find than a simple plot outline:
"Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. A global cataclysm brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors."
"With the Mayan calendar ending in 2012, a large group of people must deal with natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, typhoons and glaciers."
Finally in June the full trailer for 2012 made its debut, and boy does the film look like ridiculous, destructive fun. My favourite moment? The arms of Christ the Redeemer breaking off as Rio de Janeiro succumbs to cataclysm. Wheee!
I'm actually really looking forward to this one, all the crackpots (and their theories) it's going to tease out of the woodwork, as well as the "concerned debate" it's likely to spark among cinemagoers. Not doubt fueled by the hysteria-loving media of course.
Anyway, I wouldn't expect 2012 to be anything less, especially since it comes from director Roland Emmerich, who has already brought us Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, Stargate, Godzilla and last year's 10,000 BC. Er, I think we'll forget about those last two. Given Emmerich's pedigree, 2012 should be big, dumb and incredibly pretty to look at as world-famous landmarks take a tumble.
Joining Emmerich on the ride, acting their hearts out in front various blue and green screens, is an ensemble cast that includes John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt and Woody Harrelson.
Having been delayed a few times now (largely to avoid the mid-year blockbuster crush), 2012 will now open in North America on Friday the 13th of November. Freaky! No clue when it will debut in South Africa, but hopefully it will be before the end of the year. Holding thumbs.
Out of interest, you can find out what events are set to take place in 2012, right here.
I was going to ignore this, but your spin of "it's going to be big, dumb and silly and cause the nutjobs to go ape with their theories" (maybe I paraphrased...) has got me to where I wouldn't mind seeing it now.
Oh, and my word ver is "hally", which is kind of funny, considered the whole comet impact thing that some people have said will do us in in 2012.
I actually quite enjoy bullshit hysteria films. They're like the big budget descendants of ridiculous old B-grade thrillers crossed with 70's disaster flicks. I've even lately had an urge to watch The Core, which is worrying.
Neat. I've learned a new phrase.
Oh, God, Volcano. Ha ha, what fun! Of course, while Dante's Peak was the more realistic volcano movie it did top Volcano by having a fabulous "grumpy old granny jumps in acid lake for no logical reason" scene.