Valentine's Weekend

Lo and behold, on Friday morning - not one hour after I mocked those budget Valentine's teddy bears - I received one... as part of a flower arrangement. Although the little guy is very cute, I couldn't help but marvel at the fabulous "Made in China" craftmanship that left him with a striking resemblance to Sloth in The Goonies ("Hey, you guys!"). Remarkably the bf has never seen this 80's childhood movie classic, so he didn't grasp my reference.

Anyway, Friday evening was a chilled one as we both took a break from PC-related activities, ate too much and watched episodes from the first seasons of 30 Rock and South Park.

On Saturday the weather was too good not to exploit so planned shopping expeditions were postponed until Sunday. A late start and long queues killed our impromptu plan for breakfast out. Instead we bought our groceries (kudos once again to the outstanding Knowles Superspar deli!) and headed home for a little lunchtime braai, suntanning and a swim. Fortunately we were able to kick the bf's parents out the house in the evening for some much-needed alone time.

We assembled our pizzas, set up the widescreen monitor, poured some wine and watched Clerks and Clerks II. Because nothing says romance like Jay and Silent Bob.

No, seriously. After struggling to find the first film for ages, that was my Valentine's present to the bf. For the record, I was also working on a surprise framed photo collage of all our travels, adventures and experiences together but, given our relationship limbo, I was told earlier in the week not to go to effort in terms of a making a "creative" gift.

Anyway, the Clerks films really talk to me, particularly the character of Dante who spends most of his time paralysed by indecision, sticking instead to the easy, unsatisfying route and then blaming others for his unhappiness when change is really in his hands... and is very much possible if he would just stop making excuses.

I must say at this point that Clerks II is much better and funnier than Clerks, which is an obviously grubby indie debut effort. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that Clerks II is probably my favourite comedy of 2007. Kelly and the Sexy Stud, "Pillowpants", the Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings arguments, and the utterly lovable Rosario Dawson just make this film awesome.

Oh, as one final note on Saturday, my Valentine's Day edition of the Girlz 'N' Games web comic was picked up by South Africa's biggest gaming blog, LazyGamer.

As for what happened on the cool and wet Sunday, I rediscovered my love for Futurama, bought my first cellphone (I refuse to start a contract and have until now just inherited other people's hand-me-downs), made moussaka and had to attend a family lunch that was sprung on me unexpectedly.

Afterwards, I had a headache and just needed some quiet alone time to recover. Of course it did trigger a realisation why I get so frustrated by constantly having to deal with family over the weekends. The bf and I don't live together, and our houses are far from each other's offices, so we only see each other on Thursday evening, Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday, which makes for something like 72 hours in total the entire week. Naturally I get pissed off when hefty chunks of our "us" time are taken up with relatives who continually need help with things, as well as work-related support calls. Eventually after a while I get tired of waiting and wander off to do my own thing.

Another realisation I had this weekend is that one of my pet peeves is people who shoot down your future plans. I'm sure everyone has had this experience: you're excited about something and you share it with others only to have them grimace and respond with something along the lines of "Wouldn't you rather...?" or "Gosh, I wouldn't be doing that right now given..." I'd rather they responded with disinterest than deliberately cause you to doubt yourself. That's just not cool.

And that's everything I've been up to and thinking about these past few days. Pfangirl out till tomorrow!


MJenks said…
If Jay and Silent Bob don't equate to romance, the dud singing Berserker surely does.

What woman's heart doesn't melt for the line "My love for you is ticking clock"?
Anonymous said…
Totally relate to negative comments about future plans - and just as bad is when they give you un-asked 'advice' about something they know nothing about!

Sometimes I can't keep quiet and tell them "I'm not asking for your advice/permission/consent, I'm telling you what's going to happen". They normally get the picture.
RC said…
how mock the bear...and then you get one that is totally hideous.

thanks for posting the goonies's great.
Pfangirl said…
Mjenks: And nothing says "romance" like sex with a dead geriatric in a quickstop bathroom.

Anonymous: Un-asked for advice is my other major pet peeve. It probably even happens more often than negative reactions to my plans.

RC: Thanks for taking the time to comment. The bear's arrival was rather amusing when it happened.

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