Baby, baby…

Not too much to report back on this weekend. On Friday evening and Sunday afternoon I played a decent amount of World of WarCraft, taking my Warlock to Level 58 and getting my Hunter to Level 44, having accompanied friends through the Scarlet Monastery dungeon for the first time. Kitted out in mail and dark leather, Bestilla the Hunter looks quite cool. I must remember to post a pic here sometime.

Anyway, you know you’re getting older when the hen’s parties and kitchen teas are suddenly replaced with baby showers. I went to one this weekend and I have another lined up for the Public Holiday Monday coming up. Sitting in the room with a bunch of women (many with babies and toddlers in tow) all giggling and “ahhing” over a tiny little outfit, I honestly feel so out of place.

Not that I have any problem with the idea of having a child one day, but the thought of it in the next few years is just too utterly terrifying. I mean, kiss your life as you know it goodbye forever. And watch yourself transform into one of those mommies who actually (presumably) enjoy the tired, meaningless tradition of the baby shower: dressing the mom-to-be up in a bib and diaper, punishing her when she incorrectly guesses a gift by making her eat sour worms, or mini Lunch Bars out of a lemonade-filled potty. I’m just so dissociated from such feminine “rituals” – maybe I spend too much time with guys?

As an antidote, on Sunday evening we watched Matilda, one of the best family films of recent years (well, it’s 12 years old now). The film is based on Roald Dahl’s children’s story, and is stolen by Pam Ferris as the wretched, child-hating school principal, Miss Trunchbull, who isn’t above hammer tossing adorable little blonde girls by their pig tails, locking children in a homemade Iron Maiden device called “The chokey” and breaking a plate on the head of a fat boy (who she has punished for greed by making him eat a giant chocolate cake). Matilda is worth catching if you’ve never seen it before.

Anyway, I’m so glad the next 2 working weeks are 4 days each. This said, the long weekend should be a pretty quiet one, with only a birthday party and baby shower #2 planned. Maybe a movie or two as well, if time permits. The bf will be having his tonsils out this Tuesday, so he should be sitting quietly in bed for most of the weekend. Once he’s recovered he’s heading overseas for work again, leaving me flying solo for the umpteenth time. Time to organise my Europe trip all on my lonesome.


Dante said…
Ow, tonsils, can not be fun. :(
MC said…
Matilda is an underrated classic to say the least.

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