Shopping to fill suitcases

It’s now officially under a week until Paul and I depart for Greece next Sunday. And after the horrific traffic this morning (half an hour to travel 100m!), I do think a nice two-week break is deserved.

Anyway, with the holiday so close, a good portion of this weekend was spent at the Pavillion – when we weren’t playing World of WarCraft, of course. Friday evening was spent clearing out the Wailing Caverns with a quickly assembled group of players. Completing this dungeon with five players as opposed to two (and a pet pig) was a lot easier. And Paul got to put his player-resurrecting Goblin Jumper Cables to use.

I’ll have to head back to the Caverns again though, to go ingredient hunting. I found a very nice leatherworking recipe that involves scales only available off creatures in those caves.

Speaking of WoW, I finally have the game up and running at home. This said, I pretty much have this evening to play. On top of packing for the trip, I have to move out of my room for my grandfather’s arrival from the UK on Thursday.

On Saturday we met up with Ian for some shopping errands (Ian and P were doing a fabulous impersonation of an “unusual” gay couple at Pick ‘n Pay) and to go camera browsing. Let’s just say that after watching Paul make his SLR camera purchase, and witnessing his credit card burst into flames, it was further motivation for me to NEVER get into one of the world’s most expensive hobbies. Point-and-clicks for me, all the way. In fact, I think that’s a good idea for me for Christmas and my birthday – my first ever digital camera!

Anyway, it wasn’t much of a surprise that I crashed and burned soon after returning from the shopping expedition. Two glorious hours of refreshing sleep.

On Sunday we were back at the Pavillion for some clothes shopping this tioe. I had vouchers so in the end it wasn’t too expensive. Browsing around I was very impressed by the new Mr Price Sport store. Besides the obvious sport kits stuff, there’s some really nice, good quality casual clothing and accessories at very reasonable prices.

And even though I really was trying to be good with luxury purchases, I couldn’t resist buying the Hot Fuzz DVD from Look & Listen.

We rounded off the weekend listening to the Steve Martin Pink Panther remake while we enjoyed one of our new, rather unfashionable, obsessions – jigsaw puzzles.

Now it’s going to be a VERY busy week.


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