Walk like an Egyptian...

Well, this blog post is just a short entry to let my regular readers know that I'm going to be absent from this place until 2 February. You see, in my bid to see as many great ancient world monuments, tombs, structures and *erm* rubble sites as possible - I've already ticked Rome and a good chunk of Greece off the list - I'm about to embark on a 17 day tour of Egypt and Jordan. What one does to feel like Indiana Jones and Lara Croft...

Keep well. Behave yourselves. Pop in on occasion to pump up my hit count. And see you on the flipside.



Tara said…
Have a FANTASTIC time! *starts singing the Indy tune*
Craig said…
Oh man, that's fantastic! Enjoy the trip and all the sights you're going to see - me on the other hand will just sit here at work and pout.

'tis not fair I tell you! :P
MJenks said…
Good luck. Hopefully, by the time you come back, I'll have fixed my blog AND finished a large chunk of my book.

I'd try to tie my book in more with your trip, but there wasn't really any action going on in Egypt nor Jordan for this particular myth.
Pfangirl said…
Thanks for the wishes guys. I got back yesterday afternoon) (Tues, 2 Februray) and have just been really busy unpacking and moving back into my room. I should hopefully have a few little blog posts up later today.

MJenks, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your story, and its progress. Out of interest, although they're both tied to ancient civilisations, Jordan has more of an Ancient Roman and Biblical feel than Egypt, which is so distinctly Ancient Egyptian.

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