Pop Love 2014 edition

I confess that since my move to remote Northern Japan, I have largely been out of touch with a lot of pop culture consumption. Like the fact that I have been to the cinema just once in the last 6 months, when it used to be my main form of entertainment. *gasp* Anyway, I plan to have some short reviews up in the near future of high profile 2014 movie releases that I did manage to catch. Until then, here's something funky to see in the new year... And help you catch up with chart toppers if you've been out of the mainstream music loop (like me). Greek DJ Robin Skouteris has done it again. His third Pop Love musical mash-up has just been released - and once again you can download it for free, with his other amazing work, on his Soundcloud page . I think last year's Pop Love was catchier , but overall I think 2013 was a better year for music and game releases, certainly. Now let's see how things shape up in 2015. Happy New Year!