Movies opening today: From sci-fi remakes to Sugar Men

Opening wide in South African cinemas from today are the following 3 movies: Total Recall : The classic Arnie and Paul Verhoeven sci-fi actioner receives the 21st Century remake treatment. This time Colin Farrell is the disgruntled blue-collar worker of the future who gets more than he bargained for when he signs up for memory implants. Suddenly our hero is revealed as a spy (or is he?) on the run from the likes of Kate Beckinsale and Bryan Cranston. Fortunately he has rebel Jessica Biel on his side. Loosely based, like its predecessor, on Philip K Dick's short story . From the director of Underworld and Die Hard 4 . While Total Recall 2012 doesn't insult fans of the original ( makers of the RoboCop reboot, take note !), it's evidently only so-so in quality. Fantastic action sequences and an excellent first hour of world-building can't make up for the film's general blandness, as it lacks both heart and humour. Rated 31% Fresh on review aggregator site Ro...