Girlz ‘N’ Games webcomic #77: Monster Mash-up

Presenting the special Halloween 2010 edition of Girlz ‘N’ Games!

This comic is really just a little bit of fun stemming from a geeky real-life discussion about the next big trend in supernatural-horror-fantasy romance literature. The guys behind webcomic biggie Penny Arcade have, of course, already proposed their theory, and well, this is my (not particularly serious) thinking.

This strip may make more sense to pen-and-paper role-players than casual readers, but hopefully the Twilight references are enough to give anyone a bit of a chuckle.

Just to explain, the comic features three of the signature monsters invented specifically for Dungeons & Dragons. The game’s Monster Manual (which Gary is holding) includes many fantasy beastie staples – such as goblins and orcs and duh, dragons – but there are also many creatures unique to the game. Like the gelatinous cube, floating multi-eyed beholder and carrion bird-meets-cockroach hook horror referenced here. There are others monsters as well – but these three guys seemed to drop most easily… and amusingly… into the Twilight universe.

Enjoy, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend of Halloween revelry.


As usual, if you like my latest Girlz 'N' Games comic, please forward it on to your like-minded friends. You can also show your support by joining the Girlz 'N' Games Facebook fan group, which is open to all. The big advantage of joining is that you'll immediately receive an email notification every time a new comic is uploaded.

If this doesn't suit you, you can also follow me on Twitter - I tend to tweet when a comic is in production, as well as provide a heads up when it's about to debut online.


Mike said…
Love the last picture. Best possible outcome for the Twilight movie.
Dante said…
Who is this new guy with the green shirt?

Lol, and we all know what is next. ZOMBIES! :P

Kiff comic lady!
Pfangirl said…
Thanks for commenting, guys:)

Dante, the guy in the green shirt is Gary, a newer member of the GNG supporting cast. You can read more about him here:

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