Weekend recap

Again, it wasn't too busy a weekend. When I wasn't indulging in my usual pop culture obsessions, I was working on the next Girlz 'N' Games comic (I was working on it till 12:30 last night in fact *yawn*), trying out some culinary experimentation with surprising success - homemade crumbed Wiener Schnitzel on Saturday evening and cheese soufflé on Sunday - and discovering, via a horribly mistimed midday trip to Makro, that apparently a lot of South Africans have adopted a "Fuck the recession" attitude. The crowds, the queues, the spending were overwhelming. I couldn't wait to get out of there. Anyway, in terms of entertainment, the big screen and the little box won out this weekend. Film: My movie priority of the week was of course the South African set action-sci-fi-satire District 9 . My full review will be appearing online soon, but I can say briefly that the film is a helluva lot of fun and well worth the praise it's been receiving. Ignore the mo...