Movies out today: Sci-fi, fantasy and false identities

Three new films open in South Africa today, offering a mix of escapism and special effects. Elysium : This sci-fi actioner is South African writer-director Neill Blomkamp's highly anticipated follow-up to his surprise smash hit District 9 . In the future, everyone who's anyone lives on a luxury space station, where Jodie Foster rules the roost. Everyone else - 99% of humanity - is stuck on a devastated, resource-stricken Earth. Matt Damon 's ex-con has a chance to change the unfair status quo with the aid of an exo-skeleton. Trailer Tuesday profile . Sadly, Blomkamp's sophomore effort evidently doesn't reach the same heights as District 9. You can read Kervyn and Lourens 's full reviews at , but in short, while the action scenes, visual effects and Sharlto Copley stand out, the film is otherwise unnuanced in terms of plot, character and socio-political commentary. Internationally, Elysium has racked up an aggregrated Rotten Tomatoes revi...