Midweek Movie Review: Django Unchained

Despite a sterling reputation, Quentin Tarantino isn’t the most consistent writer-director. Leaping around between genres, and typically juggling large casts, his experimental work is always interesting… but not always satisfying. Django Unchained fortunately demonstrates the filmmaker on form. A tad overlong, prone to obvious fan service moments and suffering from jarring tonal shifts, this Spaghetti Western-Blaxploitation-Revenge-Actioner (phew!) is nonetheless entirely engrossing. Unlike Tarantino’s last effort, 2009’s Inglourious Basterds , Django Unchained delivers what it promises – in spades! Starting out like a conventional Western before developing a distinct Southern flavour, Django Unchained follows the adventures of former slave Django ( Jamie Foxx ). Freed by German dentist-turned-bounty hunter Dr King Schultz ( Christoph Waltz ), Django becomes Schultz’s partner. It turns out that Django is a natural at “killing white people’, although his ultimate goal is to find...