Mini movie review Monday - World War Z and Elysium

I’m playing catch-up today with mini reviews of two recent releases that I never got around to reviewing in full when they hit cinemas. World War Z : If you go into World War Z expecting a faithful adaptation of author Max Brooks ’s instantly classic tale of zombie apocalypse, then you will be disappointed. Marc Forster ’s film version is World War Z pretty much in name only, as it zeroes (ha!) in on Brad Pitt ’s ex-UN employee as he darts back and forth across the globe, searching for a cure to the pandemic. Still, for a horror thriller that has a very troubled production, plagued by reshoots and hefty reediting – and the signs of this meddling are very evident in the theatrical release – World War Z delivers the entertainment goods surprisingly well. This is a largely bloodless PG-13 zombie film that nonetheless manages to put viewers continually on the edge of their seats. The airplane scene and laboratory climax are especially thrilling and it helps that Pitt is such a cha...