Midweek Movie Review: Hugo 3D

Director Martin Scorsese certainly surprised a lot of people when it was announced that he was making a family-friendly fantasy film. And a fantasy in 3D, at that! It seems like a strangely fluffy choice for the same legendary filmmaker who gave the world violent gangster dramas Goodfellas , Mean Streets and The Departed , not to mention the psychologically warped, hard-hitting vigilantism of Taxi Driver . Scorsese’s latest, Hugo , seems a thousand miles removed from these earlier entries in his filmography... and it is. However, as you watch the visually stunning movie (a recent winner of 5 Oscars) it becomes clear why Scorsese picked such a “candyfloss” genre, as well as the gimmicky format of 3D, for his latest big screen effort. And the choice has to do with the apparently forgotten relationship between fantasy and film. Based on the hefty illustrated novel by Brian Selznick , The Invention of Hugo Cabret , the movie centres on a young orphan in post-World War I Paris. Hugo ( As...