Recent graphic novel reads (January 2012 edition)

It’s been a long time since I’ve written about the graphic novels and trade paperbacks I’ve recently consumed – you can blame the dense A Song of Ice and Fire books for dominating my reading time the past 6 months. Anyway, I thought it was time for a catch-up, starting with the collected volumes that resided on my bedside table during the holidays. For the record, you can read my previous comprehensive comic review posts here (covering The Walking Dead Vol 1 , Marvel 1602 , Ultra , Wanted , Chew Vol 1-2 ) and here ( Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? , Pride of Baghdad , Scott Pilgrim Vol 1 , Wonder Woman: Gods and Mortals , Wonder Woman: Love and Murder , Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities , The Goon: Noir ). Wonder Woman: The Circle Wonder Woman: Ends of the Earth Wonder Woman may be the first and most iconic of female superheroes, but the persistent problem she’s always faced is that she’s typically a better, more interesting character than the stories in which she fi...