My Tomb Raider fiction: for you, for free, in multiple formats and refreshingly free of train rides

Fan fiction is the red-haired stepchild of fans' creative expression. Unlike its siblings, fan art, FMVs (fan made videos) and cosplay, fan fiction is frequently dismissed with a snigger by the public. Meanwhile, the original creator of that particular fictional universe may silently tolerate the stories at best, or loudly revile them at worst. Either way, even if the creator is curious, plagiarism concerns mean they are unable to read fan-generated content. However, I'm getting sidetracked. The point is that fan fiction has a poor reputation. (Thanks, especially, EL James !). And, yes, there is a lot of tripe out there. However, the same can be said of original published novels if we're being honest. The truth is that if you can get past the ridicule - and avoid infection by its sneering scepticism - you will find some very well-written fan fic out there. It's apparent that talented people have been inspired, and put effort into creating non-canonical stories...