May content recap: Cosplay videos, con experiences and movie reviews

I'm deep into cosplay preparation territory as the South African geek convention season ramps up. This means my free time involves a lot more fabric, foam and glue than words, but here's all the content I got out during the month of May - which includes the last feature I would ever write for now-retired Gamecca Magazine . *sniff* Features Shadow of the Tomb Raider: A Cosplay Diary (Introduction) [vlog]: Accompanying article to the above video: Shadow of the Tomb Raider – A Cosplay Diary [Critical Hit] GeekFest – South Africa’s ever-evolving, ever-morphing geek event [Critical Hit] Chimichanga Time! - Deadpool 2 movie feature [Gamecca Magazine] From Sunstone to Swing and Sugar, sex positivity takes hold at Top Cow comics [Critical Hit] Reviews Pitch Perfect 3 – An un-acca-ceptional end to the musical comedy series (DVD Review) [Critical Hit] The team’s thoughts on Solo: A Stars Story [Critical Hit] Miscellaneous May DVDs – Oscar ...