Fan fiction: Maligned. Misunderstood. Mighty beneficial.

To coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Tomb Raider franchise , @Lady_Scion has scheduled a different #20Croft celebration every month throughout 2016. These Twitter-centred mini-events have been created in collaboration with other fans and fansite owners. Check out the full #20Croft calendar here . April’s #20Croft focus is Tomb Raider fan fiction, and this post was written specifically for it. ----- Fan fiction, or the just as commonly used fanfic, is a barbed topic. Apologies to the red-haired step-children out there, but that’s exactly what fan fiction is – the shamed, frequently ignored sibling in the family of fan creative outputs. AU where Lara and her dad are fanfic writers, not archaeologists. "They mocked my father" still holds. Fan fiction can be defined most simply as stories written by fans about their favourite characters. It typically explores barely touched (or untouched) ideas and themes. It can go so far as to continue official plotline...