Reviewing Rise of the Tomb Raider (spoiler-free)

It took a bit of pre-planning and pleading, but over Christmas vacation I was able to play through Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox 360. I was also privileged to experience the first few hours of the game on Xbox One. Actually, I should probably use the word “privilege” to describe playing the 360 version as well because Rise of the Tomb Raider – even on previous generation hardware – is an exceptionally polished game. It is a masterclass example of what a Next Gen Action Adventure should be – gripping, gorgeous, intricately thought-out and essentially bug-free. The game isn’t without its issues, but developers Crystal Dynamics have clearly listened to player comments after the 2013 franchise reboot , and incorporated much of that feedback into the sequel. Certainly you can’t make claims of ludonarrative dissonance this time around. The story and gameplay are in sync as a slightly more experienced, considerably more confident Lara Croft embarks on a quest for answers to some m...