Korra the Legend - resonant character evolution at its best

As a TV series, Avatar: The Legend of Korra has definitely had its ups and downs. Its supremely popular predecessor, The Last Airbender remains the consistently better show. Then again, the uneven Korra experience can be blamed on a few obstacles that the original show never faced – such as impromptu season length changes and budget cuts. But I’m not here to excuse The Legend of Korra’s flaws. I’m also not here to squee in delight over Korrasami leaping out of the closet and into canon (I’ve done enough of that on Twitter over the last month). What I want to do in this post is make a case for the show as the more emotionally complex, relatable and rewarding of the two Avatar series. Simply by focusing on the title character. Whereas The Last Airbender was a high-spirited globe-trotting fantasy adventure for the whole family (with a hero band of 12 to 15 year olds), The Legend of Korra always pitched itself at a higher level. We meet the next generation Team Avatar in young ...