2010 SA Blog Awards: An update

A huge thank you to everyone who voted for this blog over the past 2 months that the 2010 South African Blog Awards have been running - first during the long nomination phase, and then during the final voting stage when Pfangirl Through the Looking Glass was competing as one of the Top 10 Entertainment Blogs in South Africa.
Alas, I'm not one of the Top 2 finalists in my category. Only the 2 blogs that scored the most votes landed their owners invites to the awards ceremony, to be held in Cape Town this weekend. And my spam mailbox - where all my SA Blog Awards email goes:P - is sadly empty.
But again, I'm not overly surprised. Pfangirl Through the Looking Glass is a private, single person-run blog amongst some big commercial and group-run heavies. As a result I was always going to be an underdog in a popularity contest where quantity of votes counts for way more than quality of content.
Once again, thank you for your continued readership and support over the past 5 years. Not only is it appreciated but through this blog - and now Twitter - I've got to make the acquaintance, online and off, of some very awesome people out there. Cheers!
I like the under-dog!
And quality is way better than popularity!
Keep blogging and I'll keep reading!