Sex & Candy! Party pics and commentary
Saturday night (28 August) was the popular annual Sex & Candy party at Burn, Durban's premier alternative nightclub. These days it's also one of the few nights of the year when Burn is packed. About a month ago I was at the club on a Saturday night, and between 2 floors there were maybe 30 people max. So Burn's days may be numbered. Then again, they've been saying that for years and the club is still shuffling on.
Anyway, the Sex & Candy party is all about costumes and/or oggling the people who have dressed up... or down as is more typical. I hauled out my official Blizzard-sanctioned blood elf ears again, and donning a stripped down, decidedly less blue version of my earlier costume - in the end branding myself a (Late) Night Elf. Man, oh man, did I wish I'd worn a cloak to protect myself against the cold, but I guess you have to suffer for your art.

You can check out a bunch of images from the Sex & Candy party right here but what follows in this post are selected personal pics from the evening, along with some stone cold sober, designated-driver observations of events that night.
1) In terms of the Sex & Candy costumes, there were plenty of sex kittens, naughty nurses and playboy bunnies milling about; along with a gazillion girls in corsets and a few ladies in sailor suits (no boys doing a trouser-free Donald Duck however). Meanwhile, there were several guys in drag, and plenty in a boxers-and-bathrobe combo.
Some of the more unique outfits of the night included Spider-Man, a guy in lederhosen, an easily offended chick with giant band-aids over her nipples, a new take on the pizza delivery boy fetish and KISS, whooo!
2) Ladies, if you want to get a guy's attention, forget cleavage and skin exposure. Elf ears are the way to go! I received plenty of comments and ear gropes on Saturday night. And evidently elf ears work just as well with the gaming and pop culture geeks as the jock types.
3) The new Burn off Stamford Hill Road, as opposed to the old Burn on Clark Road, consists of 2 levels and 2 dance floors/event areas, as well as a large outside roof area. As a result, if you're not clock-watching and paying attention to the evening's itinerary, which is pasted on walls around the club, you - like me - will likely miss the special Sex & Candy events, such as spankings, centre stage public piercings and, of course, the big costume contest. Given how tiny the old Burn was, everyone was automatically aware of and drawn to the stage when it was time for something notable. I have to admit I kind of miss that at the new Burn.
4) On a related note, choose your dance floors carefully at the new Burn. The music played in the upstairs area is crap. The Black Eyed Peas at an alternative nightclub? A live DJ playing the same bouncy techno song 3 times during one evening? That's criminal! By contrast, the downstairs dance floor features heavier, grittier music just like at the old Burn. Unfortunately for our group though, we only discovered this half an hour before leaving.

5) Burn is an alternative club so no one cares about things like age, popularity and image. However, scanning the rooftop - where we spent most of the evening - made me feel a tad on the mature side when I compared myself to the other party attendees. Ah, the late teens/early twenties student crowd. You're starting to look so young;)
6) On a weird but cool final note, Saturday night was the first time someone approached me, having identified me from Twitter and this blog. Once again it was largely because of the elf ears, but there's a certain amusement be felt by someone addressing you in real life by your online nick.
Anyway, the Sex & Candy party is all about costumes and/or oggling the people who have dressed up... or down as is more typical. I hauled out my official Blizzard-sanctioned blood elf ears again, and donning a stripped down, decidedly less blue version of my earlier costume - in the end branding myself a (Late) Night Elf. Man, oh man, did I wish I'd worn a cloak to protect myself against the cold, but I guess you have to suffer for your art.

You can check out a bunch of images from the Sex & Candy party right here but what follows in this post are selected personal pics from the evening, along with some stone cold sober, designated-driver observations of events that night.
1) In terms of the Sex & Candy costumes, there were plenty of sex kittens, naughty nurses and playboy bunnies milling about; along with a gazillion girls in corsets and a few ladies in sailor suits (no boys doing a trouser-free Donald Duck however). Meanwhile, there were several guys in drag, and plenty in a boxers-and-bathrobe combo.
Some of the more unique outfits of the night included Spider-Man, a guy in lederhosen, an easily offended chick with giant band-aids over her nipples, a new take on the pizza delivery boy fetish and KISS, whooo!
2) Ladies, if you want to get a guy's attention, forget cleavage and skin exposure. Elf ears are the way to go! I received plenty of comments and ear gropes on Saturday night. And evidently elf ears work just as well with the gaming and pop culture geeks as the jock types.
3) The new Burn off Stamford Hill Road, as opposed to the old Burn on Clark Road, consists of 2 levels and 2 dance floors/event areas, as well as a large outside roof area. As a result, if you're not clock-watching and paying attention to the evening's itinerary, which is pasted on walls around the club, you - like me - will likely miss the special Sex & Candy events, such as spankings, centre stage public piercings and, of course, the big costume contest. Given how tiny the old Burn was, everyone was automatically aware of and drawn to the stage when it was time for something notable. I have to admit I kind of miss that at the new Burn.
4) On a related note, choose your dance floors carefully at the new Burn. The music played in the upstairs area is crap. The Black Eyed Peas at an alternative nightclub? A live DJ playing the same bouncy techno song 3 times during one evening? That's criminal! By contrast, the downstairs dance floor features heavier, grittier music just like at the old Burn. Unfortunately for our group though, we only discovered this half an hour before leaving.

5) Burn is an alternative club so no one cares about things like age, popularity and image. However, scanning the rooftop - where we spent most of the evening - made me feel a tad on the mature side when I compared myself to the other party attendees. Ah, the late teens/early twenties student crowd. You're starting to look so young;)
6) On a weird but cool final note, Saturday night was the first time someone approached me, having identified me from Twitter and this blog. Once again it was largely because of the elf ears, but there's a certain amusement be felt by someone addressing you in real life by your online nick.
It is quite cool hearing your nick being called out to you by someone you don't know, but they know you from online. To me it feels like I've made a name for myself and ppl got to know me through my achievements and/or online "doings" :P
About the elf ears being the way to go... well, that with some skin is sure points in my books, but I think mostly that the jocks enjoy it as it's not everyday you see girls coming out dressed like a gaming character to such a social event, and it takes guts to be comfortable with it. Also, if they do play some games, and relate to the outfit, it's a fantasy for most guys, no matter how small the attraction might be ;)
Please add me as your friend on facebook.
Cloud_Ratha you'll always go down in my personal history as the first person who recognised me in real-life via Twitter:)
Cleric, I think you're on spot-on with the reason why elf ears immediately produce a reaction.