My new columnist gig: Check it out!

Just a quick little extra post for today to say that if you want to read more opinion pieces from me, I'm a new guest columnist over at Lazygamer, South Africa's biggest, most popular gaming blog. Basically I've been tasked with exploring gaming culture, and the pastime, from the perspective of a casual gamer.
The casual gamer viewpoint suits me perfectly seeing as I'm nowhere near as immersed in game industry developments as I once was... even if I still like to keep abreast of new releases. When forced to choose between movies and gaming these days - film, my first love - almost always comes out top. Unless Guitar Hero or Rock Band is involved.
Out of interest, this actually isn't my first stint as a gaming columnist. I owned the back page of GEAR magazine for 2 years (without receiving a single comment in that time:P) With Lazygamer for now I'm aiming to have a column up every week or, more likely, every 2nd week - as I pace myself in terms of coming up with new topics.
You can read my first Lazygamer column here. And if there are any specific gaming issues you'd like to see me discuss in future, just let me know.