He-Who-Must-Not-Be Named

I don't have the space at home to collect figurines, but I like to keep an eye out for the really cool collectibles relating to my favourite pop culture properties. Anyway, a recent visit to Harry Potter site, The Leaky Cauldron revealed this creepy Voldemort figurine. The likeness to Ralph Fiennes is fantastic.

You can see the other figurines (from NECA): Harry, a Dementor, and Hagrid, by clicking right here.


Gareth said…
I don't see how you can profess to hate normal fantasy then drool at this guy. He's about as generic evil villain as they come. A bald evil wizard wearing black robes! Oh, the originality!

On a side note, I bought TheOnion print books in america, they're hysterical, theres one article about J.K. Rowling giving up writing about dragons and wizards and unicorns after discovering boys, quite amusing.
Pfangirl said…
For the most part, traditional fantasy doesn't engage me. It's all the same macho bullshit, more focused on action than unstereotypical characters or writing of any stylistic worth. You can make the same claims about Harry Potter, but for whatever reason, I thoroughly enjoy it.

Anway, I saw that Onion article on JK Rowling. Very funny. And if you like the Onion, check out Wikipedia spoof:


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