Weekend report-back
Seeing as the bf's house was without a telephone (and *gasp* Internet connection) until Sunday, on Friday evening I dusted off my PS2 in an attempt to stave off World of WarCraft withdrawal. Our chosen co-op game though turned out to be a disappointment.
Despite a great sense of humour, excellent voice work and numerous, genuinely funny visual gags, The Simpsons Game was just too frustrating to play. This was largely due to its annoying camera control, which made the numerous jumping challenges, and just generally working out what to do, incredibly difficult. And man, oh man, playing a game like this helps you realise how spoilt we are in terms of graphics today - you tend to forget how ugly previous generation console visuals could be.

Giving up in disgust we ended up watching Blood Diamond again - and took great delight at Leo DiCaprio's South African accent. Kif, bru!
Saturday was largely consumed with our rescheduled Dungeons and Dragons session, which extended into a braai and boardgames evening. The only event of significance in our D&D session was that my paladin came perilously close to death. Then again I suppose that's one of the dangers of going toe-to-toe with a giant rock elemental.
On Sunday I just about finished my Christmas shopping. There are still a few bits and pieces to pick up next weekend but apart from waiting for my online shopping orders to arrive (which is how I've done the vast majority of my gift-buying this year) that should be it. And not a moment too soon! The malls are starting to get crazy, with queues everywhere. So much for the Credit Crunch...
The rest of Sunday was spent baking chocolate chip cookies, watching Batman: The Animated Series and doing my usual World of WarCraft daily quests. I'm currently on schedule to reach the Revered reputation level with the Skyguard faction by the end of next weekend. After that it will be another 3 weeks or so and I'll hit Exalted - allowing me to purchase my Nether Ray epic flying mount. It won't be long now, my ugly...
Despite a great sense of humour, excellent voice work and numerous, genuinely funny visual gags, The Simpsons Game was just too frustrating to play. This was largely due to its annoying camera control, which made the numerous jumping challenges, and just generally working out what to do, incredibly difficult. And man, oh man, playing a game like this helps you realise how spoilt we are in terms of graphics today - you tend to forget how ugly previous generation console visuals could be.

Giving up in disgust we ended up watching Blood Diamond again - and took great delight at Leo DiCaprio's South African accent. Kif, bru!
Saturday was largely consumed with our rescheduled Dungeons and Dragons session, which extended into a braai and boardgames evening. The only event of significance in our D&D session was that my paladin came perilously close to death. Then again I suppose that's one of the dangers of going toe-to-toe with a giant rock elemental.
On Sunday I just about finished my Christmas shopping. There are still a few bits and pieces to pick up next weekend but apart from waiting for my online shopping orders to arrive (which is how I've done the vast majority of my gift-buying this year) that should be it. And not a moment too soon! The malls are starting to get crazy, with queues everywhere. So much for the Credit Crunch...
The rest of Sunday was spent baking chocolate chip cookies, watching Batman: The Animated Series and doing my usual World of WarCraft daily quests. I'm currently on schedule to reach the Revered reputation level with the Skyguard faction by the end of next weekend. After that it will be another 3 weeks or so and I'll hit Exalted - allowing me to purchase my Nether Ray epic flying mount. It won't be long now, my ugly...