Full stomach, empty fuel tank
The weekend seemed to be filled with driving and junk food. Driving in that we had a lot of picking up and dropping off of people to do that related to our activities. And junk food because we seemed to eat a lot of rubbish this weekend – not exactly the kind of fuel I really wanted to be giving my body one week before my BJJ tournament next weekend. Anyway, Friday was the bf’s birthday and after doing the presents and cake thing in the morning, we celebrated in the evening by going to movies – to see Kung Fu Panda . As always, you can expect my full review up here shortly, but the crib notes version is that the film is very enjoyable, even if it feels incredibly short. The film’s major selling point is its impressive action sequences, probably the most thrilling in an animated film since Pixar’s The Incredibles. After the movie I stumbled across the Nelson Mandela birthday concert on TV. I don’t know what it is about these annual star-studded events, but they are always so incredibly...