
I woke up on Valentine’s Day to find that a bouquet of flowers had arrived for me. They’re very beautiful and still fresh-looking a day later, although I nearly choked when I found out later what they had cost. The Sibaya Casino eveing was not as profitable as we would have liked. Of the R600 we had to launder, we ended up walking away ultimately with R200. Plus, it seemed like we spent most of the evening standing in queues: an hour in line with other Sharks’ season ticket holders to redeem our credits, 10 minutes when we had a problem with my card and over 20 minutes at the end of the evening to cash out. I maintain that Sibaya is a pretty crappy casino- low jackpots, very little chance of winning, and never enough cashiers to serve you.

BTW, it’s official. I start work at Whalley and Associates on Monday. And my name is on file at the publishing company G works for to do part-time editing at R8-R12 a page of proof-reading. Meanwhile, that water metering device job just keeps lumbering on- with disorganised, very busy directors, I can see it going on for months before it is finally finalised.

Tomorrow (Thursday) I’m going to the Pavillion with my sister to run a few errands and find a present for Mark’s sister, Diane. It’s her 21st party on Saturday evening, and everyone has to come as something with a ‘D’. Paul and I had a great idea but it’s going to take some guts and sneakiness to get hold of the appropriate props.

I realised in my last blog post that I didn’t say much about the past weekend. We didn’t do anything particularly exciting. Mentionables include Settlers on Friday evening with Robin and Warren. We ended up talking about Dungeons and Dragons and that reminds me that I’d like to play D&D again sometime- maybe gamemaster Gareth can initiate Denbeigh into the activity and we can continue that last game with Mark that was going so well? On Saturday evening we used Paul’s parents’ season tickets to watch the Sharks vrs the Chiefs as part of the Super 14 series. On Sunday we had lunch at Oscars to celebrate Micah, Paul’s cousin’s, birthday. Later that evening we met with G and Shirley to talk about a few website projects for Paul’s company (as well as outfits for Diane’s fancy dress party on Saturday).

Other than that, I’ve been playing Fable for the second time. I am not an RPG person (in fact when Oblivion comes out there’s going to be a column in GEAR about it). However, Fable: the Lost Chapters is at just the right level of simplicity- paths are relatively restricted and the levelling up system is not points-based; you gain and spend experience according to what you use while playing- physical force, archery or magic. Plus, I really like the animated-style approach to fantasy.

This time playing the game I’m going all out to be a badass (In the game your actions determine your alignment, which then impacts on your appearance). Here are a few pictures of my character, first as a child and then teenager, then as the goodie-goodie who I finished the game with when I first played it (check out Santa Claus), and last of all, my evil current character (love those horns).


Flint said…
I really don't know why Fable got such a kicking in reviews, it really was (is) great, if a bit short. It would have been nice to customize you character a bit more though (facial fatures, etc). Also, is it just me or does your character age really quickly, really suddenly? From tall and dark to tall and snow-white in two quests..

Anyway, I love the Samurai-look that armour gives your 'badass' character, very cool :)
Pfangirl said…
Did you play the XBox or PC version, Flint? The PC apparently expands on the XBox version with additional quests. I pretty much did everything (all kinds of side quests) on the PC version and my gameplay time was just under 30 hours.

Also, apparently the aging has to do with spending experience. The fewer times you return to the Guild to do it, the less you will age. Also, it looks like your alignment affects it as well. I'm playing evil at the moment and my character hasn't gone snowy white- he's balding.

I'm not a RPG person but Fable for PC was awesome for me. I would have liked some more variety in terms of outfits, though. You can pretty much buy a full dark plate set from about 3 hours into the game.

And Gareth, if you're reading this, there are certain spells that are so powerful that you can pretty much go almost the full non-mixed mage route.

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