I've Become a Brain Farter

It's happened. I've sold out. After months and months of looking down on bloggers, mocking the way that they have bloated the web with their brainfarts, I've gone and become one of them.

However, I believe I can justify my reason for following the online trend whores:

A) I was sorting through some old emails and I came across one in which a friend told me basically that I bottle things up; suppress emotions and sit on secrets. While that is fantastic for remaining an enigma, it isn't healthy, mentally or physically. I know that. I intend for this blog to become something of a sounding board for whatever is bothering me.

B) This said, I promise I will in no way try to force humour, construct a stilted POV in my posts, or turn this blog into a soap opera rendition of my life.

C) I actually... erm... enjoy reading my friends' blogs. They keep me up to date and, frequently, offer me insights into their minds that I would not have gained in standard face to face conversation (Just why is it that people open up so easily in the world's largest public domain?). I think it's only fair that I offer my friends the same in return, ending the parasitic relationship. Besides, I've become awful in terms of keeping people up to date with my life through email. This blog is a lazy way to avoid the accusations that I drop out of people's lives.

D) I'm not writing. As someone who intends making a living off their writing, or, general creative output, that is not a good thing. If I'm forced to write something every day or so, I'm hoping to get back into the flow of things, and feel inspiration again. A blog is a perfect place for creative, unstructured rambling that would have absolutely no place on my portfolio website, for example (www.pfangirl.bravehost.com).

And that's it for now...


Unknown said…
I can't believe it. You've actually done it. :D

I've always wanted a doorway into your head. I'm hoping that this is exactly what it turns out to be.

Good to see you blogging Pfanny ;)
Gareth said…
Hey there lassy. Welcome to the pasture, baa, baa.

Dante said…
Welcome to the world of blogging. May it be a blogging good time. :)
Gareth said…
I don't believe firebird to be correct there, its like exercise, you need to flex those muscles to make them grow, not "hoard your energy". Any creative output adds to your collective store of experience. You don't "burn it up".


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