Jump for Annoy…
It is very difficult trying to update a blog when you shouldn't be browsing the Internet for interesting news. So, considering I haven't done this for a few months, here is a copy-paste of my April backpage GEAR column. I don't think it will be a problem posting this "filler" article up, seeing as April is long since past, and the mag's first year anniversary issue hasn't been on shelves for 30+ days. Jump for Annoy… On the seventh day God looked over His creation, saw that it was good, and rested. The next day, Satan got to work, devising Monday morning gridlock, the mosquito, Telkom and… the jumping puzzle. I’ve moaned a lot in the past about gaming frustrations but one of the oldest, and arguably the greatest, is the jumping puzzle. Crossing an expansive area by leaping from platform to (typically moving) platform nibbles away on nerves, particularly when combined with save point systems that force you to retread the same territory and tackle the same ...